What American Stand United Means to Me

Please listen America Stand United by Paul Arow here:

I pledge my allegiance to the United States of America, standing brave and proud holding my hand firm across my heart. I proudly hang my country flag outside my front door. To a nation I will kneel. I respect the founding American principles and honor those brave souls who gave the ultimate sacrifice for my freedom. I respect the loss and respect the grave. I will love my neighbors as brothers and sisters and treat the poor and helpless with dignity. I pledge to uphold all great American leaders of the past and future. I will not let ignorance and bad judgment lead me down the wrong path. I support my government and accept the consensus of the America people. I will work with the system to make positive changes. I will not plunder or destroy other people’s property. I will not harm or steal from anyone. I will give back to the community. I will always foster integrity in my heart. The earth is a precious soul. I will love my land and will be a good steward of the earth and remember that I leave a legacy to those who follow me when I am gone. I will do whatever I can to make the world safe and whole again. I will fight for what America stands. I believe and trust in God.

America is a melting pot composed of diverse people from all over. Many clans live here. America was built on cold hard steel. We must not take for granted the farmers and truckers. Without them we would not have food on the table or goods delivered to our door. Whether young or old, black, or white, whether Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, or Jewish, no matter what party you follow America must stand together. Let us practice diversity and equality. There will always be good times and bad times. Let every experience be a learning opportunity and let every experience build strength and character. Our country is great, and we should not take for granted all the blessings we have. Our founding forefathers went to great lengths to set in place a free republic nation. The rest of the world sees us as the land of opportunity because America does not limit anyone in anyway. We have the power as Americans to succeed and prosper free from government control. Our government cannot take that away from us. Live your American dream!

Thank you and God bless America!

Photo by Sharefaith.

Author: Paul Arow

Paul Arow is a gifted singer/songwriter who arranges and produces quality music. The music is easy-listening, country rock, blues and light rock written in a classic style. Paul has had a lifelong love of music and started writing songs during high school and then became a member of the Arizona Song Writers Association. His involvement with this association helped to hone his song writing skills. He is currently an independent producer/ recording artist.